This unique monument is to commemorate all veterans of all services in all the wars, conflicts and peacekeeping missions since 1893 when Beaverton Oregon first became a city. The monument is located in the City of Beaverton at the Veterans Memorial Park, corner of 7th Street and Watson Streets.
Each brick is 3 1/2" x 7 1/2" providing an opportunity for three lines of 17 characters per line. Each space, letter, number or punctuation mark is a character. The computer will center each line.
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Donation of $75.00 per brick. That pays for its manufacture, prepetual care of the Memorial, lights, security and landscaping.
Please click here to display the brick request and print.
Make your check out to:
Beaverton Veterans Memorial
Please mail your check and this completed form to:
American Legion Post 124
P.O. Box 37
Beaverton, OR 97075
Questions? .. email